Logic diagramThe function contains logic to enable the open and close commands respectively if theinterlocking conditions are fulfilled. That means also, if the switch being controlled has itsposition defined as open (via POSOPEN) for example, then the appropriate enable signaloutput (in this case EN_OPEN) is false. The switch operation enable signals EN_OPENand EN_CLOSE can be true at the same time only in the intermediate and bad positionstate of the switch (defined via POSOPEN and POSCLOSE) and if they are enabled by theinterlocking function. The position inputs come from the logical nodes Circuit breaker/Circuit switch (SXCBR/SXSWI) and the enable signals , OPEN_EN and CLOSE_ENcome from the interlocking logic. The outputs are connected to the logical node Switchcontroller (SCSWI). One instance per switching device is needed.OPEN_ENPOSOPENPOSCLOSE EN_OPENEN_CLOSECLOSE_ENSCILOen04000525_ansi.vsdORORXOR ANDANDANDANDNOTANSI04000525 V1 ENFigure 196: SCILO (3) function logic diagram11.5.2.5 SignalsTable 274:SCILO (3) Input signalsName Type Default DescriptionPOSOPEN BOOLEAN 0 Open position of switch devicePOSCLOSE BOOLEAN 0 Closed position of switch deviceOPEN_EN BOOLEAN 0 Open operation from interlocking logic is enabledCLOSE_EN BOOLEAN 0 Close operation from interlocking logic is enabledTable 275:SCILO (3) Output signalsName Type DescriptionEN_OPEN BOOLEAN Open operation at closed or intermediate or bad positionis enabledEN_CLOSE BOOLEAN Close operation at open or intermediate or bad positionis enabled1MRK 506 335-UUS A Section 11Control409Technical manual