More than one input may be activated at the same time. In such cases the lower ordersetting group has priority. This means that if for example both group four and group twoare set to be activated, group two will be the one activated.Every time the active group is changed, the output signal GRP_CHGD is sending a pulse.This signal is normally connected to a SP16GGIO function block for externalcommunication.The parameter MaxNoSetGrp defines the maximum number of setting groups in use toswitch between.IOx-Bly1IOx-Bly2IOx-Bly3IOx-Bly4ÆÆÆÆACTIVATE GROUP 4ACTIVATE GROUP 3ACTIVATE GROUP 2ACTIVATE GROUP 1ACTGRP1ACTGRP2ACTGRP3ACTGRP4GRP1GRP2GRP3GRP4ACTVGRPGRP_CHGDANSI09000063_1_en.vsdANSIC09000063 V1 ENFigure 351: Connection of the function to external circuitsThe above example also shows the five output signals, GRP1 to 4 for confirmation ofwhich group that is active, and the GRP_CHGD signal which is normally connected to aSP16GGIO function block for external communication to higher level control systems.17.4 Test mode functionality TESTMODE17.4.1 IdentificationFunction description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberTest mode functionality TESTMODE - -1MRK 506 335-UUS A Section 17Basic IED functions757Technical manual