Table 257:SXCBR Output signalsName Type DescriptionXPOS GROUP SIGNAL Group connection to CSWIEXE_OP BOOLEAN Executes the command for open directionEXE_CL BOOLEAN Executes the command for close directionOP_BLKD BOOLEAN Indication that the function is blocked for opencommandsCL_BLKD BOOLEAN Indication that the function is blocked for closecommandsUPD_BLKD BOOLEAN Update of position indication is blockedPOSITION INTEGER Apparatus position indicationOPENPOS BOOLEAN Apparatus open positionCLOSEPOS BOOLEAN Apparatus closed positionTR_POS INTEGER Truck position indicationCNT_VAL INTEGER Operation counter valueL_CAUSE INTEGER Latest value of the error indication during command11.4.3.2 SettingsTable 258:SXCBR Non group settings (basic)Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default DescriptiontStartMove 0.000 - 60.000 s 0.001 0.100 Supervision time for the apparatus to moveafter a commandtIntermediate 0.000 - 60.000 s 0.001 0.150 Allowed time for intermediate positionAdaptivePulse Not adaptiveAdaptive- - Not adaptive Output resets when a new correct end positionis reachedtOpenPulse 0.000 - 60.000 s 0.001 0.200 Output pulse length for open commandtClosePulse 0.000 - 60.000 s 0.001 0.200 Output pulse length for close commandSuppressMidPos DisabledEnabled- - Enabled Mid-position is suppressed during the timetIntermediate1MRK 506 335-UUS A Section 11Control393Technical manual