From the setting parameter RLdOutRv and the calculated value RLdInRv, a distancebetween the inner and outer boundary, DRv, is calculated. This value is valid for Rdirection in second and third quadrant and for X direction in third and fourth quadrant.The inner resistive characteristic in the second quadrant outside the load encroachmentpart corresponds to the setting parameter R1FInRv for the inner boundary. The outerboundary is internally calculated as the sum of DRv+R1FInRv.The inner resistive characteristic in the third quadrant outside the load encroachment zoneconsist of the sum of the settings R1FInRv and the line resistance R1LIn. The angle of thetilted lines outside the load encroachment is the same as the tilted lines in the firstquadrant. The distance between the inner and outer boundary is the same as for the loadencroachment in reverse direction, that is DRv. Reactive reach in forward and reverse directionThe inner characteristic for the reactive reach in forward direction correspond to thesetting parameter X1InFw and the outer boundary is defined as X1InFw + DFw,where:DFw =RLdOutFw -KLdRFw ·RLdOutFwThe inner characteristic for the reactive reach in reverse direction correspond to the settingparameter X1InRv for the inner boundary and the outer boundary is defined as X1InRv +DRv.where:DRv =RLdOutRv - KLdRRv ·RLdOutRv6.7.6.4 Basic detection logicThe operation of the Power swing detection ZMRPSB (68) is only released if themagnitude of the current is above the setting of the min operating current, IMinPUPG.• The 1 out of 3 operating mode is based on detection of power swing in any of the threephases. Figure 84 presents a composition of an internal detection signal DET-A inthis particular phase.Signals ZOUT_n (outer boundary) and ZIN_n (inner boundary) in figure 84 are related tothe operation of the impedance measuring elements in each phase separately (n representsthe corresponding A, B and C). They are internal signals, calculated by ZMRPSB (68)function.Section 6 1MRK 506 335-UUS AImpedance protection180Technical manual