11.10.6 Operation principleAutomation bits function (AUTOBITS) has 32 individual outputs which each can bemapped as a Binary Output point in DNP3. The output is operated by a "Object 12" inDNP3. This object contains parameters for control-code, count, on-time and off-time. Tooperate an AUTOBITS output point, send a control-code of latch-On, latch-Off, pulse-On, pulse-Off, Trip or Close. The remaining parameters will be regarded wereappropriate. ex: pulse-On, on-time=100, off-time=300, count=5 would give 5 positive100 ms pulses, 300 ms apart.There is a BLOCK input signal, which will disable the operation of the function, in thesame way the setting Operation: Enabled/Disabled does. That means that, upon activationof the BLOCK input, all 32 CMDBITxx outputs will be set to 0. The BLOCK acts like anoverriding, the function still receives data from the DNP3 master. Upon deactivation ofBLOCK, all the 32 CMDBITxx outputs will be set by the DNP3 master again,momentarily. For AUTOBITS , the PSTO input determines the operator place. Thecommand can be written to the block while in “Remote”. If PSTO is in “Local” then nochange is applied to the outputs.For description of the DNP3 protocol implementation, refer to DNP3 communicationprotocol manual.11.11 Function commands for IEC 60870-5-103 I103CMD11.11.1 FunctionalityI103CMD is a command function block in control direction with pre-defined outputsignals. The signals are in steady state, not pulsed, and stored in the IED in case of restart.11.11.2 Function blockIEC10000282-1-en.vsdI103CMDBLOCK 16-AR17-DIFF18-PROTIEC10000282 V1 ENFigure 224: I103CMD function blockSection 11 1MRK 506 335-UUS AControl488Technical manual