Unsymmetrical current detectionUnsymmetrical current indicated if:• any phase current is lower than CurrUnsymPU of the highest current in the threephases.• the highest phase current is greater than CurrRelPU of IBase.If these conditions are true, an unsymmetrical condition is detected. This detection isenabled to generate a trip after a set time delay tTrip if the detection occurs in the next 200ms after the circuit breaker has received a command to open trip or close and if theunbalance persists. The 200 ms limitation is for avoiding unwanted operation duringunsymmetrical load conditions.The pole discrepancy protection is informed that a trip or close command has been givento the circuit breaker through the inputs CLOSECMD (for closing command information)and OPENCMD (for opening command information). These inputs can be connected toterminal binary inputs if the information are generated from the field (that is fromauxiliary contacts of the close and open push buttons) or may be software connected to theoutputs of other integrated functions (that is close command from a control function or ageneral trip from integrated protections).7.13.8 Technical dataTable 156:CCRPLD (52PD) technical dataFunction Range or value AccuracyOperate value, currentasymmetry level(0-100) % ± 1.0% of InReset ratio >95% -Time delay (0.000-60.000) s ± 0.5% ± 25 ms7.14 Broken conductor check BRCPTOC (46)7.14.1 IdentificationFunction description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberBroken conductor check BRCPTOC - 461MRK 506 335-UUS A Section 7Current protection275Technical manual