9-2 FRX8000 3.0 User Guide, Rev 02Configuring an X.25 Port RecordTo configure a port for X.25, press [A], then [C] from the Ports Selection Menu (or [A],[D], [A], [C] from the Main Menu). When prompted, enter:l Node ID (of the node containing the port): 1–250. (Default is the “local” node.)l LP ID (of the LP containing the port): 0–7. (Default is 0 .)l Port: 0–7 for a physical port on an RLP, 0–3 for a port on an AST LP (N7400/7500 only), 8–63 for a logical port on an RLP. (If you specify a logical port, enterthe number of the associated physical frame relay port when asked.)l Any other requested information, noting the values in Table 9-1. (Press [Enter]at a prompt to specify the default value.)The display depends on whether you are configuring a physical port (Figure 9-1) or alogical port (Figure 9-2).Figure 9-1 Physical X.25 Port Record[A],[D],[A],[C] from Main MenuItem M will be displayed only if the LP is an RLP and Physical Interface isRS-530, RS-422, or V.35, and Generate Clock is Y.If the port is in an N7000 node:• Item E will not be displayed.• Item 2 will be X.25 - 7000 params.• Item 3 will be X.25 CUG Mngmt/Group SendPressing [1], [2], or [3] will display more parameters, listed in Table 9-1.Port Maintenan ce* Nod e ID 10 nod e10* LP I D 0 RLP* Port 1A Port Type 2 X.25B Physical In terface 5 V.35C Block ed Port Flag ND Line S peed Cod e 10 9600 b psE Modulus 8F Outstan ding Frames 2G N2 Maximu m Retransmiss ion s 5H T1 Retran smiss. Period-ms 2000I T2 Acknow ledg. D elay-ms 1000J T3 Lin k A ssu ran ce Period -s 10K Logical DCE YL Gen erate C lock YM Rcv Clock (TT) from DTE NN Mask Link Alarms Y1 X.25/Level 3 Part 12 X.25/Level 3 Part 23 X.25 C UG ManagementSelect: