Overview 1-5Hardware OverviewFRX8000 hardware includes:l Three types of “device”: Switch, ICP, and INM. (A fourth device, NMP, is sup-ported in existing N7000 networks to facilitate migration to FRX8000.)l Three types of card: RLP (RISC-based line processor), Ethernet LAN adapter,and Token Ring LAN adapter. (The NMP also supports the N7000 PIA, or Par-allel Interface Adapter.)l Two types of hardware chassis: Model 2 and Rackmount. (A High-Availabilitychassis is available by special order.)These components are all described in detail beginning on page 1-5. Their interrela-tionships are shown in Table 1-1.1 A PIA is used only if the Switch is directly attached to an NMP.2 A LAN card is supported in the ICP, INM, and NMP for local FTP or Telnet file main-tenance only.3 Although the NMP is supported on these platforms, NMPs generally will be in existingplatforms in established N7000 networks.Device TypesFRX8000 SwitchThe FRX8000Switch, an MS-DOS® -based node, performs switching and routing.Each Switch supports frame relay, X.25, SNA/SDLC/LLC2, BSC, asynchronous, IP(including RIP, ARP, ICMP), IPX, and SNMP protocols.The base model of an FRX8000 Switch contains one RLP with one Line InterfaceCard, providing four WAN ports, and supporting up to 512 simultaneous logical ter-minations. (Each logical interface into or out of an RLP port is one termination.) TheSwitch is expandable as shown in Table 1-1.ICPThe FRX8000 ICP is a UNIX ® -based switch with call processing capability plus allfunctions of the Switch except LAN connectivity. Each ICP contains a copy of thenetwork database (described in Chapter 3). ICPs are typically deployed in large net-works to distribute database access and call setup, preventing setup delays caused bylong paths to distant INMs (described below).Table 1-1 Supported HardwareDevice Type Platform Max RLPs/LAN Cards/PIAsSwitch 1 Model 2Rackmount4/1/1 or 3/2/18/0/0 or 7/1/0 or 7/0/1 or 6/1/1 or 6/2/0 or 5/2/1ICP, INM 2 Model 2Rackmount4/1/08/0/0 or 7/1/0NMP 2, 3 Model 2Rackmount1/1/18/0/0 or 7/1/0 or 7/0/1