G-4 FRX8000 3.0 User Guide, Rev 02FRX8000 INMStarting an INM1. Switch on the VGA monitor or Auxiliary Console (and modems if part of the con-figuration), then the printer (if present), then the INM. After a few seconds, thiswill be displayed on the monitor/console:SCO System V/386Boot:2. Press [Enter]. (If any files are corrupted because the system was not shut downproperly, error messages will be displayed. Press [Enter] if requested to do so.)3. You will be prompted:Type Control-D to proceed with normal startup(or give root password for system maintenance)Press (simultaneously) [Ctrl] [D].4. The current system date and time will be displayed. Press [Enter] to accept thedisplayed values, or enter the correct values, in the format: YYMMDDhhmm,where:YY = year (00 to 99) MM = month (01 to 12 ) DD = day (01 to 31)hh = hour (00 to 23) mm = minute (00 to 59)If you only need to change the time, enter the hour and minute; to change the year,month, or day, you must enter the entire string, including hour and minute.5. Various messages will be displayed, ending with: Check protected subsystemdatabase (y/n)? Type y [Enter].6. scosysv!login: will be displayed. Type netlink [Enter].7. When asked for a password, type mypass [Enter].8. At the [NETLINK] prompt:u If you are at a local VGA monitor, type start -icp [Enter] .u If you are at an Auxiliary Console, type start -icp & [Enter] .The ICP software will start, and the FRX8000 Test Menu (Figure G-1) will bedisplayed.If you want to access the INM menus:1. Press [Alt] [F3] (or [Alt] [PF3] on an Auxiliary Console) at the FRX8000 Test Menu.2. At the scosysv!login: prompt, type netlink [Enter].3. When asked for a password, type mypass [Enter].4. At the [NETLINK] prompt:u If at a VGA monitor, type gcon [Enter] .u If at an Auxiliary Console, type consol [Enter].