14-4 FRX8000 3.0 User Guide, Rev 02Configuring IP InterfacesAn IP interface allows the internet protocol to be executed over an FRX8000 Switchframe relay, X.25, LAN (Ethernet, 802.3, or 802.5), or network interface port. (N7000nodes do not support routing via IP.)A network IP interface will use any trunk port in the node.If this node will be running IP, press [A] , then [C] from the LAN Interface Configu-ration Menu (or [A], [E], [A], [C] from the Main Menu) to configure an interface. Whenprompted, enter an interface number: 0 or 1 for a LAN interface or 2–128 for X.25,network, or frame relay. (This is a sequential number to identify the interface.) Thedisplay depends on the interface; Figure 14-1 shows an example.Figure 14-1 IP Interface Record Example[A],[E],[A],[C] from Main MenuYou can create a report that contains configuration parameters for any or all FRX8000IP Interfaces in the inter-network. See "Producing an IP Report" on page 14-7.When Changes Take EffectWhen you add a new IP Interface record, the change will be written to the database assoon as you enter the final parameter value. When you modify a parameter in anexisting record, the change will be written to the database instantly.To make the change effective, press [F7] while the record is displayed. (If this is notdone, the change will become effective the next time the node containing the interfaceundergoes re-IPL.)IP I nterface Maintenance* N ode 10* I nterface Nu mber 2A Maximum Trans mis sion Unit 4096B N etw ork Mask R outing Metric C ount 0D I CMP Redirects YE R IP Flas h Upd ates (sec) 60F R IP Full Up dates (s ec) 120G I nterface Type 2 FRLH S ource I P Ad dres s D es tin ation IP Add ress S ource C ard 1K S ource Port 0L S ource D LCI 16M Ban dw. A lloc. Group 1Select: