18-4 FRX8000 3.0 User Guide, Rev 02Entering y sends the Modem INI String in the Port record to the modem, replacing anychanges you might have made during interactive mode.Don't forget that if you disabled a trunk before performing these opera-tions, you must re-enable the remote port ([B], [A], [C] from the MainMenu).Displaying Installed Line Interface CardsTo display the type(s) of Line Interface Cards(s) installed on an RLP, press [L] at theOn-Line Port Operations Menu (or [B], [A], [L] from the Main Menu). When prompted,enter a node and LP number.Restarting a Remote Node (Re-IPL)With this operation, you can re-IPL (restart) any FRX8000 or N74/7500 node in thenetwork.Warning! When you initiate this operation, you bring thesoftware in the specified remote node to a halt, disconnecting allsubscribers.Press [B] at the Node Operations Menu (or [B], [B], [B] from the Main Menu). Whenprompted, enter:l Your low-level operations password (described in Appendix C).l The ID of the node to undergo re-IPL.The re-IPL will now be initiated. Press [F3] to return to the Node Operations Menu.Boot Disk Local OperationsThis operation can be used to create:l A Node Update Disk containing the configuration database files for a specifiedDOS node (FRX8000 or N7400 DPPM).l A three-disk installation set (System Disks 1 and 2, plus a Protocol Disk), usedto replace the original installation set for any FRX8000 node type.l A Boot Disk for an N7400 with or without an NMP.These operations must be performed on a PC device running MS-DOSversion 5.0.