18-24 FRX8000 3.0 User Guide, Rev 025. Press [Enter] once to return to the Message Services Menu, or twice to return to theMain Menu.Placing a Call From an SVC SubscriberTo place a call from an SVC to Message Services, send a Call Request with a calledaddress of 999999nnn8, where nnn is the node ID (which must be three digits—addleading zeros where necessary).Answering a CallWhen an incoming call has been received, the event log displays the message:Message Service - a call is waiting from “n.”When receiving a call, you have three minutes to respond or it will be ter-minated at the calling end. The subscriber can terminate the call at anytime.1. When you receive the Call Waiting message, press [C] at the Message ServicesMenu (or [B], [F], [C] from the Main Menu) to answer the call.2. Once the call is connected, the subscriber or node number and name are displayedat the top of the screen.3. Enter your message. The maximum length for a single line is 70 printable char-acters, including blanks (no control characters). At the end of each line, press[Enter]. This sends the line to the subscriber/INM/NMP.When the subscriber/INM/NMP responds, the message is displayed in reversevideo. The messages you send and receive scroll upward on the screen as the dia-logue continues.4. To end the call, press [F3] . When the subscriber/INM/NMP ends the call, an endof call message is displayed.5. Press [Enter] once to return to the Message Services Menu, or twice to return tothe Main Menu.