18-16 FRX8000 3.0 User Guide, Rev 02Figure 18-5 Call Accounting File StructureRolling the File OverPress [E] at the Node Operations Menu (or [B], [B], [E] from the Main Menu). Whenprompted, enter:l Your low-level operations password.l The ID of the node whose accounting file you want to roll over.At the ICP/INM/NMP, the last block of the current file will be written, the file closed,and a new version created. A printer message at that node will signal completion ofthe rollover.The closed file is named CAF.yymmddhhmm, where yymmddhhmm is the date andtime the file was closed.If you perform a rollover twice within one minute, the firstbackup file created will be written over by the second.01 = P VC S etup02 = S VC Call RequestS 22 = Remote s ubscriber cleared callS 25 = Line down (failed)34 = S ubscriber s ent illegal Call Request35 = S ubscriber s ent illegal Call A cceptS 36 = Local S VC cleared37 = S ubscriber s ent illegal Clear Confirm44 = Local s ubscriber iss ued ResetS 46 = Local s ubscriber iss ued Restart RequestS 47 = Local s ubscriber s ent illegal Restart Confirm59 = Remote s ubscriber iss ued Reset67 = S ubscriber did not res pond to ResetSP 79 = Line down per operator reques t or IP L99 = P eriodic activity reportRemote LP 8 = special processLP 8/Remote Port 2 = Test ServicesLP 8/Remote Port 3 = Message S ervicesReason Code 02 only2 3 4 2 3 4 2 0-65 2 2Local Local Local Remote Remote Remote Call ReverseThruput Window Packet Thruput Window Packet Length S etup ChargeClass Size Size Class Size Size of NUI N UI Priority 0= N,1=Y2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 15 4 3 1 2 15 4 To P athPVC Reason Local Local Local Local Remote Remote Remote Remote A or BY R MO D Y H RMN S C SVC Code N ode LP Port S ub ID LCN Node LP Port SU B ID LCN belowNumber of D igits0 = SVC1 = PVC0 = Autobaud6 8 8 6 8 8Pkts Sent Sgmts Sent Bytes Sent P kts Sent Sgmts S ent Bytes S entLocal to Local to Local to Remote to Remote to Remote toRemote Remote Remote Local Local LocalP ath AReason Code01 or 02Path BReas on Code03 or higherNotes1. Subs criber ID is always 15 digits. U nused digits will be filled w ith blanks.2. Under R eas on Code: S means SVC call was terminated.P means PV C was removed.3. For setup and trans fer priorities, negative numbers will convert to 9 through F.