Chapter 15Configuring IPXFRX8000 Switch support of the Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) protocol allowsan FRX8000 to connect to a Novell Netware network, and appear to the network as aLAN.Required and Optional ConfigurationTo run IPX in an FRX8000 Switch, the following records must be configured in thedatabase:l Network Defaults, described in Chapter 4. This file must be configured when anew network is set up. After that, no further changes are generally necessary. IfIPX will run on any FRX8000 nodes, an IPX WAN Network Address must beconfigured in this file, as described on page 15-2.l Node parameters, described in Chapter 5. A record must exist for everyFRX8000, N7400, and N7500. IPX-specific node-wide parameters aredescribed on page 15-2.l Line Processor, described in Chapter 6. A record must exist for every RLP inevery node. IP and IPX must each be installed onto one RLP in each node thatwill support IPX. Both protocols do not have to be (but can be) on the sameRLP. Also, it does not matter which RLP(s) contain IP and IPX, since althoughthe software for each will reside on one RLP, it will be available to other inter-faces in the node.l Frame relay (Chapter 8) or X.25 (Chapter 9) port that will connect to thenetwork.l LAN card(s), described on page 15-9. These records identify any Ethernet orToken Ring cards in each node.l IPX Interfaces, described on page 15-3. These records define operating param-eters and identify addresses for each IP interface.l IPX filters, described on page 15-11. Filters permit or deny (depending on howthey are configured) some or all of a specific type of IPX traffic across aninterface.l Static IPX routes (if desired), described on page 15-18.