Chapter 12Configuring BSCBisync (BSC) Interactive ports allow connection of multiple Bisynchronous IBM3270-type hosts over frame relay, X.25, or an FRX8000 backbone network, to mul-tiple remote cluster controllers. A BSC Interactive HPAD supports up to 16 TPADs,and each TPAD supports up to 16 cluster controllers. TPADs operate in point-to-pointmode. IBM’s DSP (Display System Protocol) allows connection between a host and aTPAD across the X.25 network.N7000 does not support BSC.Required and Optional ConfigurationTo run BSC Interactive in an FRX8000 Switch, the following files must be configuredin the database:l Network Defaults, described in Chapter 4. This file must be configured in a newnetwork. After that, no further changes are generally necessary.l Node parameters, described in Chapter 5. A record must exist for everyFRX8000, N7400, and N7500 on the network.l Line Processor, described in Chapter 6. A record must exist for every LP inevery node.l Port, described on page 12-3. A record must exist for every port on every LP inevery node. Each BSC port’s record will identify the port and define its oper-ating parameters.l Subscriber ID(s), described on page 12-8, is BSC traffic will be transported overthe frame relay link via a logical X.25 port. These records assign called andcalling addresses to the port, and define alternate routing paths.l BSC Interactive Subscribers, described on page 12-10. Each HPAD and TPADmust have Subscriber IDs configured in this file.l BSC Interactive Devices, described on page 12-12. Each HPAD and TPADcluster controller must have a record in this file.