3-12 FRX8000 3.0 User Guide, Rev 02Partitioned NetworkThe network could become partitioned, creating a situation with more than onedatabase master and, consequentially, different databases. This can happen in twoways:l A new INM might be added to the network improperly.l If an INM/NMP loses communication with the network while that INM/NMPhas master status, another INM/NMP can acquire master status. When the failedINM/NMP comes back into the network, it will see itself as master, as will anynodes that report to it.If a multiple master situation occurs, the alarm message Multiple database master atNode “n” will be sent to the INMs/NMPs specified as “Primary” and “Secondary”nodes in the Node Configuration record for Node “n.”If the network has become partitioned, contact CabletronSystems Technical Support.Producing Configuration ReportsThe Configuration Report shows current configuration parameters for any or allFRX8000s on the network. For each node, the report contains:l Node, LP, and port parameters and their configured values.l Any error messages related to configuration (e.g., Illegal LP ID).l A summary list of LP and port types, showing the total number of each.l The number of SVC and PVC subscribers assigned to the node(s).A current printout of the Configuration Report should always be available for ref-erence.A Configuration Report can be long; while it is printing, any status mes-sages will be held, then printed at the end of the report. Select a time of rel-ative network inactivity to generate the report.You can also create reports consisting of only the SVC Subscriber param-eters or PVC Connections. These are described page 3-13.To produce a Configuration Report:1. Press [G], then [A] from the Main Menu.2. When prompted, enter a node ID, or press [Enter] to include all nodes.3. You will be prompted: Display Opt. P or F. To print the report, type p [Enter]. Tosave the report to a file, type f [Enter] and enter a file name when asked for a filespecification.4. Press [F3] at the Reports Menu to return to the Main Menu.