About the Address Book 10-310 Storing/Editing Address Book SettingsAbout the Address BookThe Address Book is a feature used for storing fax, e-mail, I-fax, and file server destinations.The Address Book is divided into 10 subaddress books and one-touch buttons. You can storeup to 1,800 destinations, including 1,600 destinations in the subaddress books, and 200destinations in one-touch buttons. Registering a destination in the Address Book saves you theeffort of entering that destination's address each time you send a job. By storing your owne-mail address, you can specify a reply-to e-mail address and use the Job Done Noticefunction.The following types of destinations can be stored in the Address Book.NOTE• Since each address entry is treated as a single entry, if an e-mail address is registered in a groupaddress, that e-mail address and the group address are counted as two entries. In the same way, if a faxnumber is registered in a group address, the fax number and group address are counted as two entries.• If the Color Universal Send Kit (standard-equipped for the iR C4580i/iR C4080i) is activated, e-mailaddresses, I-fax addresses, file server addresses, and group addresses can also be registered in theAddress Book.• If the optional Super G3 FAX Board is installed, fax numbers and group addresses can be registered inthe Address Book.• Destinations stored in the Address Book can be exported to your computer as a file, which can later beimported in the machine. For information on exporting the Address Book, see Chapter 3, "CustomizingSettings," in the Remote UI Guide.■ FaxYou can store fax numbers, as well as subaddress and password information.A fax number obtained by searching through the directory listings on a server on the network usingLDAP can also be stored.