Storing New Addresses 10-2910 Storing/Editing Address Book Settings● To use Detailed Search:❑ Press [Detailed Search].❑ Press the search category drop-down list ➞ select the desired search category.The available search categories are:For example, if cn(common name)=user1, ou(organization unit)=salesdept,o(organization)=canon, c(country)=jp is the distinguished name in the directory, enter theorganization/organizationUnit of the user as follows:organization=canonorganizationUnit=salesdeptNOTE• The organization/organizationUnit can be used as search categories only if the information hasbeen registered on the LDAP Server.• Detailed Search by organization/organizationUnit may not be performed, depending on whetherthe attribute types have been registered on the LDAP server, and depending on the type ofapplication on the server.• You can also add additional user-defined search attributes. For more information on registeringor editing a search attribute, see "Registering/Editing LDAP Search Attributes," on p. 11-57.[Name]: Search by name.[E-mail]: Search by e-mail address.[Fax]: Search by fax number.[Organization]: Search by organization name.[OrgnztionUnit]: Search by organizational unit (e.g., departments in an organization).