System Settings Table11-411 System Manager Settings*1 Indicates the default setting.*2 Indicates item that appears only if the Color Universal Send Kit (standard-equipped for the iR C4580i/iR C4080i) is activated.*3 Indicates item that appears only if the optional Super G3 FAX Board is installed.*4 Indicates item that appears only if the optional Universal Send PDF Security Feature Set or the optional Digital User Signature PDF Kitis activated.*5 Indicates item that appears only if the optional Universal Send PDF Security Feature Set is activated.*6 Indicates item that is not delivered as device information.NOTE• For instructions on setting the modes not described in this manual, refer to the other manuals listed in"Manuals for the Machine," on p. ii.• The System Settings screen consists of a list of individual settings. Press [▼] or [▲ ] to scroll to thedesired setting.• Information that is delivered when the Device Information Delivery Settings mode is set, is marked with"Yes" in the "Delivered" column. For instructions on setting the Device Information Delivery Settingsmode, see Chapter 6, System Manager Settings, in the Reference Guide.