Specifying Destinations Using the New Address Tab 2-92Basic Sending Methods3 Press [I-Fax Address].4 Enter the I-fax address ➞ press [OK].NOTEIf you do not send documents via a server, and the recipient's IP address is not registered on aDNS server, use the following format to enter the domain name: (user)@(the recipient's IPaddress).5 Press [Destination Conditions] to set how the document is received bythe recipient.6 Select [On] or [Off] for .Details of each item are shown below.[On]: Select [On] if the destination machine has a function to combine divided data. If the size ofthe data being sent exceeds the value set for Maximum Data Size for Sending in E-mail/I-Fax Settings in Communications Settings in System Settings (from the AdditionalFunctions screen), the data is divided into multiple parts before being sent. Once thedestination machine receives all the parts of the data, it combines them into one item ofdata.[Off]: Select [Off] if the destination machine has no function to combine divided data. If the sizeof the data being sent exceeds the value set for Maximum Data Size for Sending in E-mail/I-Fax Settings in Communications Settings in System Settings (from the AdditionalFunctions screen), a sending error occurs.