Report and List Samples14-1414 Appendix■ RESULT"OK," "NG," or "- -," and the transmission time are printed.If the documents have been received successfully by the recipient, "OK" is printed.If a sending error occurs, "NG" (No Good) is printed, and the error code is printed on the second line.When sending is successful, but it is not confirmed whether the e-mail message or I-fax, or the file thatyou sent to an iW Document Manager folder, was actually delivered, "--" is printed.NOTEIf a field exceeds its display capacity, only those characters that fit in the display are printed.Fax Activity ReportThe Fax Activity Report is a printed log that shows the results of send and receive jobs. A FaxActivity Report can be printed either automatically or manually.A Fax Activity Report is automatically printed when either the number of communication resultsreaches 40, or a specified time is reached. You can set whether to automatically print an ActivityReport. (See "Fax Activity Report," on p. 12-9.)NOTEThis mode is available only if the optional Super G3 FAX Board is installed.14/02/2006 TUE 14:20 FAX 012XXXXXXXNO.01001111211RESULT123XXXXXXX011XXXXXXX098XXXXXXX098XXXXXXX098XXXXXXX011XXXXXXX022XXXXXXX123XXXXXXX098XXXXXXX098XXXXXXX098XXXXXXXST. TIME. 001******************************************************************************FAX ACTIVITY REPORT TX/RXiR C4580iMODEDESTINATION ADDRESS PGS.*** ***DEPT. ID :123Canon CANADA*12/02 13:29*12/02 13:35*12/02 13:3612/02 13:3812/02 13:4012/02 13:5213/02 13:5314/02 11:4914/02 13:1214/02 13:3814/02 15:10Canon EUROPECanon U.S.A.Canon U.S.A.Canon U.S.A.Canon U.S.A.Canon U.S.A.Canon U.S.A.Canon EUROPECanon FRANCECanon CANADA00070008000800090010500550060011001200130014TXTXTXTXTXTXTXTXTXMEMORY LOCKMEMORY LOCKECMECMECMECMECMECMNGNGNGNGSTOPOKOKOKOKOKOKOKOK00'0000000'2400'11#10200'00#99500'1800'2200'2200'2400'4400'2000'24