Chapter 88-39F-8-738.11.8 Manual Feed Pull-Out Roller Unit8.11.8.1 Removing the Manual Feeder Pull-Off Roller Unit0011-8149iR7105 / iR7095 / iR70861) Open the manual feeder tray cover.2) Remove the connector cover [1].- 1 screw [2]F-8-743) Disconnect the connector [1], and remove the cable clamp fixed to theplate.F-8-754) Release the lever [1] in upward direction; then, slide out the pull-off rollerunit [2], and remove the 2 screws [3].F-8-765) Remove the pull-off roller unit [1] in the direction of the arrow.F-8-778.11.9 Manual Pickup Roller8.11.9.1 Removing the Pickup Roller 0010-8992iR7105 / iR7095 / iR70861) Open the manual tray paper guide.2) Remove the left/right stop rings [1] (two each), shutters [2] (two each),spacers [3] (two each), and rolls [4] (two each).F-8-78If the multifeeder is used during installation or if the multifeeder has not beenused for a long time, pickup can fail. If such happens, detach the protectivesheet from the sponge roller, and dry wipe the sponge roller. Mounting the Pickup Roller 0010-8993iR7105 / iR7095 / iR7086Mount the pickup roller by reversing the steps used to remove it with the fol-lowing in mind:- The front pickup roller and the rear pickup roller are not interchangeable.- The front pickup roller is identified by its silver- colored collar.When mounting the pickup roller [1] to the pickup assembly, be sure thatthe round marking [2] on the collar (silver) is toward the machine's front,[4][3] [1] [4] AB[2][1][2][1][3][1][2][1][1] [2] [3] [4] [4] [3] [2] [1]