Chapter 1717-22) Press 2 and 8 simultaneously on the numeric keypad.3) Press the asterisk key ( )on the operation panel.The initial screen (see below) now appears.F-17-317.1.3 Exiting service modes 0011-5847iR7105 / iR7095 / iR7086When the reset key is pressed once, the display returns to the service mode initial screen.When the reset key is pressed twice, the service modes are exited, and the display returns to the user screen (standard screen).When using the ADJUST, FUNCTION or OPTION service mode, be sure to turn the main power switch ON/OFF after exiting the mode.17.1.4 Backing Up Service Mode 0011-5848iR7105 / iR7095 / iR7086At time of shipment from the factory, each machine is adjusted, and the adjustment values are recorded on the Service sheet [1] (attached to the cover of the ServiceBook case behind the front cover).If you have replaced the reader controller PCB, DC controller PCB (or if you have cleared the RAM of these), the ADJUST and OPTION settings will be replacedby default settings.If you have made adjustments in the field and changed service mode settings, be sure to print out the Service sheet and store it away (COPIER>FUNCTION>MISC-P>LBL-PRNT). If the label lacks items, use its margin.You can also print out a complete list of service mode settings: COPIER>ADJUST/OPTION/COUNTER; COPIER>FUNCTION>MISC-P>P-PRINT.F-17-4COPIERFEEDERSORTERSORTERADF service modesDisplayed only when the ADF is attached.Displayed only when the finisher is attached.BOARDOption board service modesDisplayed only when an option board isattached.Copier service modesSorter/finisher service modes(There are no modes for the sorter,so isn’t displayed evenwhen the sorter is attached.)[1]