4 IBM xSeries 130: User’s Reference• Universal Manageability ServicesUniversal Manageability Services (UM Services) is the primary tool for point-to-point remote management of client systems through a Web browser interface. Inaddition to point-to-point systems-management support, UM Services alsoincludes support for UM Services Upward Integration Modules (UIMs).UIMs enable system-management professionals who use any supported system-management platform, including Tivoli® Enterprise™, CA Unicenter TNGFramework, and Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) to integrateportions of UM Services into their systems-management console. It usesindustry-standard information-gathering technologies and messaging protocolssuch as: Common Information Model (CIM), Desktop Management Interface(DMI), and simple network management protocol (SNMP).Use UM Services to:— Learn detailed inventory information about your appliance servers, includingoperating system, memory, network adapters, and hardware— Track your appliance servers in a proactively with features such as powermanagement, event log, and system monitor capabilities• Microsoft Server Appliance KitThe Microsoft Server Appliance Kit for Web Servers is a Web basedadministrative tool. It provides access to the Web server service, Web sitemanagement, administrative e-mail alerts, and other necessary tasks. You canmanage your appliance server using this kit through a port on your applianceserver.• Microsoft Windows Terminal Services ClientTerminal Services Client, when installed on a workstation that is attached to thesame subnet as the appliance server, enables remote administration of theappliance. You can use Terminal Services for advanced network administration.• Netfinity® Web Server AcceleratorNetfinity Web Server Accelerator (NWSA) is a kernel-mode web caching product.When properly configured, NWSA can improve your Web-hosting performance.By default, NWSA is installed but disabled on the xSeries 130. For moreinformation on enabling, disabling and managing NWSA, see the NWSA link onthe xSeries 130 setup and configuration Web page.• IBM Director version 2.2IBM Director enables you to manage aspects of the software applications,network operating system services, networks, and hardware. IBM Directorprovides integrated management across the network and automated operation.