16 IBM xSeries 130: User’s Reference5. Use the following case-sensitive user name and password to log in.In the Username field, typeAdministratorand in the Password field, typepasswordNote: Change these defaults to ensure the security of your system.6. You can leave the Domain field blank. Make sure the Save this password inyour password list check box is cleared, and then click OK. You can manageyour appliance server and Web sites from this page.Note: The first time you connect your remote workstation to the appliance server,you are prompted to install XML and Swing components on the Web-browser for the remote workstation you are using to manage theappliance. Follow the on-screen instructions to install these components.When prompted, click Run from current location; and then, close andrestart Internet Explorer before you proceed.The system is connected to the appliance through UM Services. Completedocumentation on how to use UM Services is included on the Documentation CD.Note: By default, the appliance server uses DHCP. If you do not have a DHCPserver on the network, the appliance is assigned an IP address of 169.254.x.y(where x and y are random numbers) and a subnet mask of with the “Appliance setup and configuration Web page”.Appliance setup and configuration Web pageYou can set up and configure your appliance server from the xSeries 130 Web page.This page provides configuration information, documentation, software help, and brieftroubleshooting information. The directions and information you need to set up yourappliance server and transfer Web content are found on this Web site. To set up andtransfer Web content to the appliance server do the following:1. From the Web page, click Setup Guide for an overview of the tasks to complete,and to display the options available for adding Web content to your applianceserver. For more information on the features of the UM Services Web page seethe “xSeries 130 Configuration Tools” on page 17.2. After you create your Web content, you can add it to the appliance server usingthe Terminal Services. You can use Web-based Terminal Services through UMServices or the Terminal Services client on your remote managementworkstation.3. Manage your Web site and appliance server using the tools on the Appliancesetup and configuration Web page.