46 IBM xSeries 130: User’s ReferenceThe xSeries 130 ASM Firmware Update diskette menuThe xSeries 130 Advanced System Management Firmware Update diskette updatesthe IBM Advanced System Management software only. It does not affect any devicedrivers, and you should not update the device drivers. You can configure thefollowing:• Alert Setting to enable or disable alert functions.• Dial In/Out settings.• General Settings, including the Name and Number that identify this ASMhardware, the date and time reported by the ASM hardware, assorted time-outvalues, and schedule a time for the system to be powered up.• Modem Settings.• Hardware Status and Information• Configuration Settings• Update System Management firmware• ExitOnline help is available for each option by pressing F1 while the option is highlighted.General help is available be pressing F1 from one of the help windows. To select anoption, highlight it and then press Enter.Hardware Status and InformationSelect Hardware Status and Information for information on the current state of yourASM hardware. When you finish viewing this information, press Esc to return to themain option menu.Configuration SettingsSelect Configuration Settings to view or change the configuration settings of yourASM hardware. Use this option to configure the following settings:• Alert Settings• Dial In/Out Settings• General Settings• Modem SettingsAlert SettingsUse this option to enable or disable all critical, noncritical, and system alertssupported by your ASM hardware. Use the arrow keys and the Tab key to movebetween the fields. Use the Left Arrow key and Right Arrow key to enable or disableeach of the alerts. For online help, press F1. When you have finished, press F6 tosave and return to the main option menu. To return to the main option menu withoutsaving, press Esc.Dial In/Out SettingsThis option consists of two parts: Dial In (used to configure dial in settings) and DialOut (used to configure dial out settings). To use Dial In, use the Tab key or the arrowkeys to move the cursor to User Profile to Configure. Then use the left and rightarrow keys to select a User Profile. Once you have selected a User Profile, you canset the following values:• Login ID• Password• Dialback (enable or disable)• Number (used for dialback only)• Read Only Access (enable or disable)• Dial In (enable or disable)• Dial In Delay (minutes)