22 IBM xSeries 130: User’s ReferenceUsing the Configuration/Setup Utility program for the xSeries 130This section provides the instructions needed to start the Configuration/Setup Utilityprogram and descriptions of the available menu choices. You do not need to use thisinformation unless you need to change the BIOS settings of your appliance server.Note: The Configuration/Setup Utility might vary slightly depending upon if you areusing the xSeries 130 model 8654 or the xSeries 130 model 8672.The Configuration/Setup utility is a menu driven utility that is part of the BIOS codethat comes with your appliance server, that you can use to:• Configure serial connector assignments• Change the drive startup sequence• Resolve configuration conflicts• Set the date and time• Set passwordsThe following sections provide instructions for starting the Configuration/Setup Utilityprogram and descriptions of the menu choices that are available.Attention: Your appliance comes with preconfigured BIOS settings. Changing thesesettings could result in difficulty managing your appliance server. Do not change themunless instructed to do so by IBM support personnel. The preconfigured basicinput/output system (BIOS) settings are shown in the following table:Starting the Configuration/Setup Utility programTo start the Configuration/Setup Utility program:Note: To use this program you need to have a keyboard, mouse, and monitorconnected to the appliance server.1. Turn on the appliance server and view the monitor screen.2. When the message Press F1 for Configuration/Setup appears, press F1.Note: If you have set both levels of passwords (user and administrator), you musttype the administrator password to access the full Configuration/Setupmenu.3. Follow the instructions that appear on the monitor screen.Table 3. Preconfigured BIOS settings.Start options SettingsKeyboardless operation mode EnabledDisplayless operation mode EnabledFloppy diskette Removed from boot sequenceNetwork Removed from boot sequenceVirus detection DisabledBoot failure detect Disabled