© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001 33Chapter 4. The Advanced Appliance Configuration UtilityThe Advanced Appliance Configuration Utility is one way to configure networksettings. If you are adding multiple appliance servers to your network, you can usethe Advanced Appliance Configuration Utility to configure multiple appliance serverssimultaneously.Use the following general procedure to configure your appliance server:1. If you have not already done so, designate a mobile computer, workstation, orserver to use to manage the network.2. Install and then start the Advanced Appliance Configuration Utility from theSupplementary CD on the workstation (see “Installing and starting the AdvancedAppliance Configuration Utility”).3. If you need to change the language of your operating system, do so now. Formore information, see “Changing the language of the operating system” on page20.4. Create groups and determine if you want to enable reprovisioning (see “Using thegroup functions to manage your appliance servers” on page 34 and “EnablingReprovisioning for an existing group” on page 41).5. If necessary, add appliance servers to the groups (see “Moving an applianceserver into a group” on page 39). You might not need to perform this step ifappliance servers have automatically been moved to another group.6. Configure your Web site and transfer Web content to the appliance server. Seethe “Appliance setup and configuration Web page” on page 16 for moreinformation.7. You can now manage your appliance using UM Services or the AdvancedAppliance Configuration Utility.Installing and starting the Advanced Appliance Configuration UtilityTo install and start the Advanced Appliance Configuration Utility, do the following:1. Insert the Supplementary CD into the CD-ROM drive of your remote Windowsworkstation designated for managing the network.2. Run the IAAConfig\setup.exe file, from the Supplementary CD to your remoteworkstation.3. From the remote workstation you are using to manage the network, go to the Startmenu and then open the IBM Advanced Appliance Configuration Utility.Any IBM xSeries appliance server that is running and is connected to the samephysical subnet as the system that is running the Advanced ApplianceConfiguration Utility console is automatically discovered when you start theAdvanced Appliance Configuration Utility. Each appliance appears in the AllAppliances list and one of the following lists: the appliance list of the group itbelongs to, the Unassigned Appliances list, or the Conflicting IP Address list. Arescan, (see “Rescanning” on page 42) forces an immediate discovery ofappliances in the subnet.Notes:a. The Advanced Appliance Configuration Utility configures and reports theTCP/IP settings of the first adapter on each appliance server only. The firstadapter is the port 1 Ethernet controller. Be sure to connect the built-inEthernet connector to the same subnet as your system running the AdvancedAppliance Configuration Utility.