User Insert NEC ExpressBuilder CD-ROM into the optical device drive.3. Ensure that the floppy disk drive is empty.4. Press the RESET switch or press Ctrl, Alt, and Delete to reboot from NECExpressBuilder. (You may also turn off and then on again to reboot the server.)The system boots from the CD-ROM and NEC ExpressBuilder starts.CautionExpress Setup overwrites the contents of your hard disk. If youhave data you want to keep, follow the on-screen instructions.5. Click [Express Setup].When asked if you intend to use a Configuration Diskette or Parameters File,choose either Yes or No.6. Read the on-screen message carefully and click [OK].Note: If an operating system is already installed on the harddisk, you will be prompted to confirm that you want to proceedwith the installation.7. The message "Insert Configuration Diskette" appears. If applicable, insert"Configuration Diskette" into floppy disk drive and click [OK].Note: If you do not have "Configuration Diskette", insert ablank floppy disk formatted by 1.44 MB into the floppy disk driveand click [OK].