User■ Serial ATA Channel 0 Master: Serial ATA hard disk drive 1 (option)■ Serial ATA Channel 1 Master: Serial ATA hard disk drive 2 (option)Processor Settings SubmenuTable 5: Primary and Secondary Master and Slave IDE SubmenusFeature Choices orDisplay OnlyDescription Your SettingType NoneUserAutoDVD-ROMSelects the type of deviceattached to the IDE or serialATA channel. It is stronglyrecommended to keep thefactory setting [Auto].The following options do not appear when None or Auto are selected for Type.Multi-SectorTransfer Disabled2 Sectors4 Sectors8 Sectors16 SectorsSpecifies the number of sectorsthat are transferred per blockduring multiple sector transfers.LBA Mode Control EnabledDisabledLBA stands for "logical blockaddressing". Enable/disableLBA instead of cylinder, head,sector, addressing.Transfer Mode StandardFast PIO 1Fast PIO 2Fast PIO 3Fast PIO 4FPIO 3/DMA1FPIO 4/DMA2Select the method for movingdata to/from the drive.Ultra DMA DisabledMode 0Mode 1Mode 2Mode 3Mode 4Mode 5Select the Ultra DMA modeused for moving data to/fromthe drive.Table 6: Processor Settings SubmenuFeature Choices orDisplay OnlyDescription Your SettingProcessor Retest YesNoIf Yes is selected, the BIOS willclear historical processor statusand retest all the processors onnext boot.This parameter is automaticallyreset to "No" at the next boot.Processor SpeedSettingDisplay only Displays the processor speeddetected by the BIOS