User Diskette Creator"Configuration Diskette Creator" is a tool used to create the [Configuration Diskette]that is used for configuring the server with the Express Setup.If you use the Configuration Diskette created by the Express Setup and ConfigurationDiskette Creator to operate the setup, you can automatically setup the OS and severalutilities, except for a few key inputs required to confirm the specification.If needed, you can also re-install the system with the same specification. Werecommend you to create a [Configuration Diskette] to setup the servers.CautionYou cannot create a [Configuration Diskette] for Microsoft Win-dows server 2003 x64 Editions.Note: You can install Windows Server 2003 and Windows2000 without a [Configuration Diskette]. Also, you can modify/newly create the [Configuration Diskette] during the setup withNEC ExpressBuilder.Creating Configuration DisketteThis section describes how to specify setup information required for OS installationand the creation of the [Configuration Diskette]. Follow the procedure below.Note: In the procedure below, the folder name that isspecified when installing Trekking command is assumed as[Configuration Diskette Creator].1. Start the OS.