7.1 I/O Signal Allocations7.1.1 Input Signal Allocations7-47.1 I/O Signal AllocationsFunctions are allocated to the pins on the I/O signal connector (CN1) in advance. You canchange the allocations and the polarity for some of the connector pins. Function allocationsand polarity settings are made with parameters.This section describes the I/O signal allocations.7.1.1 Input Signal AllocationsThe input signals that you can allocate to the pins on the I/O signal connector (CN1) and therelated parameters are given in the following table. Relationship between Parameter Settings, Allocated Pins, and Polari-tiesThe following table shows the relationship between the input signal parameter settings, thepins on the I/O signal connector (CN1), and polarities.• If you change the default polarity settings for the P-OT (Forward Drive Prohibit) or N-OT(Reverse Drive Prohibit) signal, the overtravel function will not operate if there are signal line dis-connections or other problems. If you must change the polarity of one of these signals, verifyoperation and make sure that no safety problems will exist.• If you allocate two or more signals to the same input circuit, a logical OR of the inputs will beused and all of the allocated signals will operate accordingly. This may result in unexpectedoperation.Input Signal Input Signal Name ParameterP-OT Forward Drive Prohibit Pn50A (250Ah) = n.XN-OT Reverse Drive Prohibit Pn50B (250Bh) = n.X/P-CL Forward External Torque Limit Pn50B (250Bh) = n.X/N-CL Reverse External Torque Limit Pn50B (250Bh) = n.X/Probe1 Probe 1 Latch Input Pn511 (2511h) = n.X/Probe2 Probe 2 Latch Input Pn511 (2511h) = n.X/Home /Home Input Pn511 (2511h) = n.X/DBANS Dynamic Brake Answer Input Pn515 (2515h) = n.XFSTP Forced Stop Pn516 (2516h) = n.XParameterSetting Pin No. Description0 13A reverse signal (a signal with “/” before the signal abbreviation, such as the /P-CL signal) is active when the contacts are ON (closed).A signal that does not have “/” before the signal abbreviation (such as the P-OT signal) is active when the contacts are OFF (open).1 72 83 94 105 116 127 – The input signal is not allocated to a connector pin and it is always active.If the signal is processed on a signal edge, then it is always inactive.8 – The input signal is not allocated to a connector pin and it is always inactive.Set the parameter to 8 if the signal is not used.Continued on next page.Important+24 V