16.2 Alarm Displays16.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms16-227A4h:Power TransistorOverheated(Abnormal powertransistor tem-perature.)The surrounding tem-perature is too high.Check the surroundingtemperature using athermostat. Or, checkthe operating statuswith the SERVOPACKinstallation environmentmonitor.Decrease the surround-ing temperature byimproving the SERVO-PACK installation condi-tions.page 3-6An overload alarmwas reset by turningOFF the power sup-ply too many times.Check the alarm displayto see if there is anoverload alarm.Change the method forresetting the alarm. –There was an exces-sive load or operationwas performed thatexceeded the regen-erative processingcapacity.Use the accumulatedload ratio to check theload during operation,and use the regenera-tive load ratio to checkthe regenerative pro-cessing capacity.Reconsider the load andoperating conditions. –The SERVOPACKinstallation orientationis not correct or thereis insufficient spacearound the SERVO-PACK.Check the SERVOPACKinstallation conditions.Install the SERVOPACKaccording to specifica-tions.page 3-3,page 3-5A failure occurred inthe SERVOPACK. –The SERVOPACK may befaulty. Replace the SER-VOPACK.–7Abh:SERVOPACKBuilt-in FanStoppedThe fan inside theSERVOPACKstopped.Check for foreign matterinside the SERVOPACK.Remove foreign matterfrom the SERVOPACK. Ifan alarm still occurs, theSERVOPACK may befaulty. Replace the SER-VOPACK.–810h:Encoder BackupAlarm(Detected at theencoder, but onlywhen an abso-lute encoder isused.)The power to theabsolute encoder wasturned ON for the firsttime.Check to see if thepower supply wasturned ON for the firsttime.Set up the encoder.page 6-49The Encoder Cablewas disconnectedand then connectedagain.Check to see if thepower supply wasturned ON for the firsttime.Check the encoder con-nection and set up theencoder.Power is not beingsupplied both fromthe control powersupply (+5 V) from theSERVOPACK andfrom the batterypower supply.Check the encoderconnector battery andthe connector status.Replace the battery orimplement similar mea-sures to supply power tothe encoder, and set upthe encoder.A failure occurred inthe absolute encoder. –If the alarm still occursafter setting up theencoder again, replacethe Servomotor.–A failure occurred inthe SERVOPACK. –The SERVOPACK may befaulty. Replace the SER-VOPACK.–Continued on next page.Continued from previous page.Alarm Code:Alarm Name Possible Cause Confirmation Correction Reference