7.12 Adjusting the Motor Current Detection Signal Offset7.12.1 Automatic Adjustment7-507.12 Adjusting the Motor Current Detection Signal OffsetThe motor current detection signal offset is used to reduce ripple in the torque. You can adjustthe motor current detection signal offset either automatically or manually.7.12.1 Automatic AdjustmentPerform this adjustment only if highly accurate adjustment is required to reduce torque ripple.It is normally not necessary to adjust this offset.PreparationsAlways check the following before you automatically adjust the motor current detection signaloffset.• The parameters must not be write prohibited.• The servo must be in ready status.• The servo must be OFF.Applicable ToolsThe following table lists the tools that you can use to automatically adjust the offset.Execute the automatic offset adjustment if the torque ripple is too large when compared withother SERVOPACKs.The offset does not use a parameter, so it will not change even if the parameter settings areinitialized.Tool Function Operating Procedure ReferenceDigital Operator Fn00E Σ-7-Series Digital Operator Operating Manual (docu-ment No. SIEP S800001 33)SigmaWin+Setup - Adjust Offset -Adjust the Motor CurrentDetection OffsetOperating Procedure on page 7-51EtherCATcommunicationsSERVOPACK AdjustingCommand (2710h)SERVOPACK Adjusting Command (2710h) on page15-19ImportantInformation