7.8 Absolute Encoders7.8.8 Multiturn Limit Disagreement Alarm (A.CC0)7-377 Application Functions7.8.8 Multiturn Limit Disagreement Alarm (A.CC0)If you change the multiturn limit in Pn205 (Multiturn Limit), an A.CC0 alarm (Multiturn Limit Dis-agreement) will be displayed because the setting disagrees with the value in the encoder.If this alarm is displayed, use the following procedure to change the multiturn limit in theencoder to the same value as the setting of Pn205.Applicable ToolsThe following table lists the tools that you can use to set the multiturn limit.Default Setting Not Default SettingWhen the encoder is set to be used as a single-turn absolute encoder (Pn002 = n.2),the multiturn data will always be zero. It is not necessary to reset the absolute encoder. Also,an alarm related to the absolute encoder (A.810 or A.820) will not occur.+32,767-32,7680Number ofrotationsMultiturn dataForwardReverse0 Number ofrotationsMultiturn dataSetting of Pn205Forward ReverseInformationDisplay Name MeaningA.CC0 Multiturn Limit Disagreement Different multiturn limits are set in the encoder and SERVO-PACK.Tool Function Operating Procedure ReferenceDigital Operator Fn013 Σ-7-Series Digital Operator Operating Manual (ManualNo.: SIEP S800001 33)SigmaWin+ Setup - Multiturn Limit Setting Operating Procedure on page 7-38EtherCATcommunicationsSERVOPACK AdjustingCommand (2710h)SERVOPACK Adjusting Command (2710h) on page15-19