17.1 List of Parameters17.1.2 List of Parameters17-717 Parameter and Object ListsPn008(2008h)2 Application FunctionSelections 80000h to7121h – 4000h Rotary Afterrestart Setup –Pn009(2009h)2 Application FunctionSelections 90000h to0121h – 0010h All Afterrestart Tuning –Continued on next page.Continued from previous page.ParameterNo.SizeName SettingRangeSettingUnitDefaultSettingApplicableMotorsWhenEnabledClassi-ficationRefer-encen.XLow Battery Voltage Alarm/Warning Selection Reference0 Output alarm (A.830) for low battery voltage. page 16-21 Output warning (A.930) for low battery voltage.n.XFunction Selection for Undervoltage Reference0 Do not detect undervoltage.page 7-151 Detect undervoltage warning and limit torque at host controller.2 Detect undervoltage warning and limit torque with Pn424 (2424h)and Pn425 (2425h) (i.e., only in the SERVOPACK).n.XWarning Detection Selection Reference0 Detect warnings. page 16-481 Do not detect warnings except for A.971.n.X Reserved parameter (Do not change.)n.X Reserved parameter (Do not change.)n.XCurrent Control Mode Selection Reference0 Use current control mode 1.page 9-701 Use current control mode 2.2 Reserved setting (Do not use.)n.XSpeed Detection Method Selection Reference0 Use speed detection 1. page 9-711 Use speed detection 2.n.X Reserved parameter (Do not change.)