9.5 Estimating the Moment of Inertia9.5.4 Operating Procedure9-219 Tuning10. Click the Forward Button.The shaft will rotate in the forward direction and the measurement will start. After the measurementand data transfer have been completed, the Reverse Button will be displayed in color.11. Click the Reverse Button.The shaft will rotate in the reverse direction and the measurement will start. After the measurementand data transfer have been completed, the Forward Button will be displayed in color.12. Repeat steps 9 to 11 until the Next Button is enabled.Measurements are performed from 2 to 7 times and then verified. The number of measurements isdisplayed in upper left corner of the dialog box. A progress bar at the bottom of the dialog box willshow the progress of the transfer each time.13. When the measurements have been completed, click the Servo On Button to turn OFFthe servo.14. Click the Next Button.The Write Results Dialog Box will be displayed.If you click the Next Button before you turn OFF the servo, the following Dialog Box willbe displayed. Click the OK Button to turn OFF the servo.Information