15.2 General Objects15-6Store Parameters Field (1010h)You can use this object to save the parameter settings in non-volatile memory.If you read the object entry data, a value will be returned that tells whether the SERVOPACKcan save the parameters.To prevent saving parameters by mistake, they are saved only when a specific signature is writ-ten to the appropriate subindex. The signature is “save.”If you write “save” to subindex 1, all parameters are saved.If you write “save” to subindex 2, the communications parameters (objects 1000h to 1FFFh) aresaved.If you write “save” to subindex 3, the application parameters (objects 27h and 6h) aresaved.If you write “save” to subindex 4, the SERVOPACK parameters (objects 2000h to 26FFh) aresaved.Note: 1. If an incorrect signature is written, the SERVOPACK refuses to save the parameters and returns an SDOabort code.2. If you read the object entry data while parameters are being saved, 0 will be returned.3. Subindex 1 and subindex 4 can be written only in the Switch ON Disabled state (servo OFF).4. After storing parameters with subindex 1 or subindex 4, you must turn the power supply OFF and ONagain to move to the Operation Enabled state.Index Subin-dex Name DataType Access PDOMapping Value Saving toEEPROM1010h0 Largest subindex sup-ported USINT RO No 4 No1 Save all parameters UDINT RW No0x00000000to0xFFFFFFFF(default:0x00000001)No2 Save communicationparameters UDINT RW No0x00000000to0xFFFFFFFF(default:0x00000001)No3 Save application parame-ters UDINT RW No0x00000000to0xFFFFFFFF(default:0x00000001)No4 Save manufacturerdefined parameters UDINT RW No0x00000000to0xFFFFFFFF(default:0x00000001)NoBit Value Meaning1 0 The SERVOPACK does not save the parameters autonomously.0 01The SERVOPACK does not save the parameters for a command.The SERVOPACK saves the parameters for a command.e65hASCIIhexv76ha61hs73hMSB LSBSignature