16.2 Alarm Displays16.2.6 Resetting Alarms Detected in Option Modules16-4516 Maintenance16.2.6 Resetting Alarms Detected in Option ModulesIf any Option Modules are attached to the SERVOPACK, the SERVOPACK detects the pres-ence and models of the connected Option Modules. If it finds any errors, it outputs alarms.You can delete those alarms with this operation.PreparationsAlways check the following before you clear an alarm detected in an Option Module.• The parameters must not be write prohibited.Applicable ToolsThe following table lists the tools that you can use to reset Option Module configuration errorsand the applicable tool functions.Operating ProcedureUse the following procedure to reset alarms detected in Option Modules.1. Click the Servo Drive Button in the workspace of the Main Window of the Sig-maWin+.2. Select Reset Option Module Configuration Error in the Menu Dialog Box.The Reset Option Module Configuration Error Dialog Box will be displayed.3. Select the Clear Check Box for the Option Modules from which to clear alarms and theclick the Execute Button.• This operation is the only way to reset alarms for Option Modules. The alarms are not resetwhen you reset other alarms or when you turn OFF the power supply to the SERVOPACK.• Always remove the cause of an alarm before you reset the alarm.Tool Function ReferenceDigital Operator Fn014 Σ-7-Series Digital Operator Operating Manual(Manual No.: SIEP S800001 33)SigmaWin+ Setup − Reset Configuration Error ofOption Module Operating Procedure on page 16-45InformationS