16.2 Alarm Displays16.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms16-3316 MaintenanceC90h:Encoder Commu-nications ErrorThere is a faulty con-tact in the connectoror the connector isnot wired correctly forthe encoder.Check the condition ofthe encoder connector.Reconnect the encoderconnector and check theencoder wiring.page 4-19There is a cable dis-connection or short-circuit in the encoder.Or, the cable imped-ance is outside thespecified values.Check the condition ofthe Encoder Cable.Use the Encoder Cablewithin the specified speci-fications.–One of the followinghas occurred: corro-sion caused byimproper tempera-ture, humidity, or gas,a short-circuit causedby entry of waterdrops or cutting oil, orfaulty contact in con-nector caused byvibration.Check the operatingenvironment.Improve the operatingenvironmental, andreplace the cable. If thealarm still occurs, replacethe SERVOPACK.page 3-2A malfunction wascaused by noise. –Correct the wiring aroundthe encoder by separatingthe Encoder Cable fromthe Servomotor Main Cir-cuit Cable or by ground-ing the encoder.page 4-5A failure occurred inthe SERVOPACK. –Connect the Servomotorto another SERVOPACK,and turn ON the controlpower supply. If no alarmoccurs, the SERVOPACKmay be faulty. Replace theSERVOPACK.–C91h:Encoder Commu-nications Posi-tion DataAcceleration RateErrorNoise entered on thesignal lines becausethe Encoder Cable isbent or the sheath isdamaged.Check the condition ofthe Encoder Cable andconnectors.Check the Encoder Cableto see if it is installed cor-rectly.page 4-8The Encoder Cable isbundled with a high-current line orinstalled near a high-current line.Check the installationcondition of theEncoder Cable.Confirm that there is nosurge voltage on theEncoder Cable.–There is variation inthe FG potentialbecause of the influ-ence of machines onthe Servomotor side,such as a welder.Check the installationcondition of theEncoder Cable.Properly ground themachine to separate itfrom the FG of theencoder.–Continued on next page.Continued from previous page.Alarm Code:Alarm Name Possible Cause Confirmation Correction Reference