16.3 Warning Displays16.3.1 List of Warnings16-4816.3 Warning DisplaysTo check a warning that occurs in the SERVOPACK, use one of the following methods.Warnings are displayed to warn you before an alarm occurs.This next section provides a list of warnings and the causes of and corrections for warnings.16.3.1 List of WarningsThe warning table gives the warning name and warning meaning in order of the warning codes.Panel display onSERVOPACKIf there is a warning, the code will be displayed one character at a time, as shownbelow.Example: Alarm A.910Digital Operator The warning code is displayed.Statusword(6041h)Bit 7 (warning) in the statusword will change to 1.(Bit 7 is 0 during normal operation.)Error code(603Fh) A current warning code is stored in error code (603Fh).EmergencymessageThe Controller is notified of any warning that occurs.(Notification may not be possible if EtherCAT communications are unstable.)Statusdisplay Not lit. Not lit. Not lit. Not lit. Not lit.WarningCode Warning Name Meaning900h Position DeviationOverflowThe position deviation exceeded the percentage set with the followingformula:(Pn520 (2520h) × Pn51E (251Eh)/100)901hPosition DeviationOverflow Alarm atServo ONThe position deviation when the servo was turned ON exceeded the per-centage set with the following formula:(Pn526 (2526h) × Pn528 (2528h)/100)910h Overload This warning occurs before an overload alarm (A.710 or A.720) occurs. Ifthe warning is ignored and operation is continued, an alarm may occur.911h VibrationAbnormal vibration was detected during motor operation. The detectionlevel is the same as A.520. Set whether to output an alarm or a warningby setting Pn310 (2310h) (Vibration Detection Selection).912hInternal TemperatureWarning 1 (ControlBoard TemperatureError)The surrounding temperature of the control PCB is abnormal.913hInternal TemperatureWarning 2 (PowerBoard TemperatureError)The surrounding temperature of the power PCB is abnormal.920h Regenerative OverloadThis warning occurs before an A.320 alarm (Regenerative Overload)occurs. If the warning is ignored and operation is continued, an alarmmay occur.921h Dynamic Brake Over-loadThis warning occurs before an A.731 alarm (Dynamic Brake Overload)occurs. If the warning is ignored and operation is continued, an alarmmay occur.923h SERVOPACK Built-inFan Stopped The fan inside the SERVOPACK stopped.930h Absolute Encoder Bat-tery ErrorThis warning occurs when the voltage of absolute encoder’s battery islow.Continued on next page.