14.3 Position Control Modes14.3.2 Interpolated Position Mode14-914 CiA402 Drive Profile14.3.2 Interpolated Position ModeThe Interpolated Position Mode is used to control multiple coordinated axes or to control a sin-gle axis that requires time interpolation of the set point data. There are the following two sub-modes for the Interpolated Position Mode.Interpolation submode select (60C0h) is used to change the submode. Refer to the followingsection for details.15.10 Interpolated Position Mode on page 15-35Mode 1This submode normally uses a time (communications) synchronization mechanism to synchro-nize the Servo Drives. The Interpolation Time Period defines the update cycle of the Interpola-tion Data (i.e., the interpolation position). The interpolation processing in the SERVOPACK isbased on this setting. The Interpolation Data is interpreted as an absolute value.The following figure shows the block diagram for mode 1. Related ObjectsInterpolated Position Mode Number of Data Number of ProfilesMode 1 No position reference filter 1 1Position reference filterMode 2 No position reference filter 1 to 254 2Position reference filterPositionlimit functionPositionuser unit(2701h: 1, 2701h: 2)Software position limit (607Dh)Accelerationuser unit(2703h: 1, 2703h: 2)Quick stop deceleration (6085h)(or profile deceleration (6084h))[Pos unit][Acc unit][inc]Quick stop option code (605Ah)Controlword (6040h)++--Interpolation data (60C1h)InputbufferInterpolation timePeriod (60C2h)MotorEncoder104 [inc/s2]PositiontrajectorygeneratorPositiondemandinternalvalue(60FCh)Position actual value (6064h)Velocity actual value (606Ch)Torque actual value (6077h)Position window (6067h)Target reached in statusword(6041h)Following error instatusword (6041h)Following error window (6065h)Following error actual value (60F4h)Following errorwindowcomparatorPosition reachedwindowcomparatorPosition windowtime (6068h)Following windowtime out (6066h)Position demandvalue (6062h)Positionuser unit(2701h: 1, 2701h: 2)Velocityuser unit(2702h: 1, 2702h: 2)Positionuser unit(2701h: 1, 2701h: 2)Output of positionlimit functionPosition actualinternal value (6063h)PositioncontrolSpeedcontrolTorquecontrolMultiplierMultiplierMultiplierTorqueuser unit(2704h: 2, 2704h: 1)Index Subindex Name Access PDOMapping Unit DataType6040h 0 Controlword RW Yes − UINT6041h 0 Statusword RO Yes − UINT60C1h 1 Interpolation data record RW Yes Pos unit DINTContinued on next page.