16.2 Alarm Displays16.2.2 Troubleshooting Alarms16-2516 Maintenance861h:Motor Over-heatedThe surrounding tem-perature around theServomotor is toohigh.Measure the surround-ing temperature aroundthe Servomotor.Reduce the surroundingair temperature of theServomotor to 40°C orless.–The motor load isgreater than the ratedload.Check the load with theaccumulated load ratioon the Motion MonitorTab Page on the Sig-maWin+.Operate the Servo Driveso that the motor loadremains within the speci-fied range.page 10-3A failure occurred inthe Serial ConverterUnit.–Turn the power supply tothe SERVOPACK OFF andON again. If an alarm stilloccurs, the Serial Con-verter Unit may be faulty.Replace the Serial Con-verter Unit.–A failure occurred inthe SERVOPACK. –Turn the power supply tothe SERVOPACK OFF andON again. If an alarm stilloccurs, the SERVOPACKmay be faulty. Replace theSERVOPACK.–862h:Overheat AlarmThe surrounding tem-perature is too high.Check the surroundingtemperature using athermostat.Lower the surroundingtemperature by improvingthe installation conditionsof the Linear Servomotoror the machine.–The overheat protec-tion input signal line isdisconnected orshort-circuited.Check the input voltagewith the overheat pro-tection input informationon the Motion MonitorTab Page on the Sig-maWin+.Repair the line for theoverheat protection inputsignal.–An overload alarmwas reset by turningOFF the power sup-ply too many times.Check the alarm displayto see if there is anoverload alarm.Change the method forresetting the alarm. –Operation was per-formed under anexcessive load.Use the accumulatedload ratio to check theload during operation.Reconsider the load andoperating conditions. –A failure occurred inthe SERVOPACK. –The SERVOPACK may befaulty. Replace theSERVOPACK.–The temperaturedetection circuit in theLinear Servomotor isfaulty or the sensorattached to themachine is faulty.–The temperature detec-tion circuit in the LinearServomotor may be faultyor the sensor attached tothe machine may befaulty. Replace the LinearServomotor or repair thesensor attached to themachine.–890h:Encoder ScaleErrorA failure occurred inthe linear encoder. –The linear encoder maybe faulty. Replace the lin-ear encoder.–891h:Encoder ModuleErrorA failure occurred inthe linear encoder. –Turn the power supply tothe SERVOPACK OFF andON again. If an alarm stilloccurs, the linear encodermay be faulty. Replace thelinear encoder.–Continued on next page.Continued from previous page.Alarm Code:Alarm Name Possible Cause Confirmation Correction Reference