15.7 Profile Position Mode15-30Profile Velocity (6081h)This object contains the final movement speed at the end of acceleration for a Profile Modeoperation.Profile Acceleration (6083h)This object specifies the acceleration rate for Profile Mode operations.Profile Deceleration (6084h)This object specifies the deceleration rate for Profile Mode operations.Quick Stop Deceleration (6085h)This object contains the deceleration rate that is used to stop the motor if the quick stop optioncode (605Ah) is set to 2 and the Quick Stop command is given.Index Subin-dex Name DataType Access PDOMapping Value Saving toEEPROM6081h 0 Profile velocity UDINT RW Yes 0 to 4,294,967,295(default: 0) [Vel. unit] YesIndex Subin-dex Name DataType Access PDOMapping Value Saving toEEPROM6083h 0 Profile acceleration UDINT RW Yes0 to 4,294,967,295(default: 1,000)[Acc. unit]YesIndex Subin-dex Name DataType Access PDOMapping Value Saving toEEPROM6084h 0 Profile deceleration UDINT RW Yes0 to 4,294,967,295(default: 1,000)[Acc. unit]YesIndex Subin-dex Name DataType Access PDOMapping Value Saving toEEPROM6085h 0 Quick stop deceler-ation UDINT RW Yes0 to 4,294,967,295(default: 1,000)[Acc. unit]Yes