12.2 Hard Wire Base Block (HWBB and SBB)12.2.4 Recovery Method12-712 Safety Functions12.2.4 Recovery Method Recovery ConditionsAll of the following conditions must be met.• All safety request inputs are ON.• The Servo ON command (Enable Operation command) was not sent.• None of the following utility functions have been executed. (These functions execute theServo ON command (Enable Operation command).)The following utility functions execute the Servo ON command (Enable Operation command).Note: If any of the above utility functions was executed, the utility function must be ended. Perform the operation toreturn to the Main Menu for the utility functions on the Digital Operator. Refer to the following manual for oper-ating procedures.Σ-7-Series Digital Operator Operating Manual (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 33) Recovery Procedure1. Specify Shutdown in controlword (6040h, bits 0 to 3) to reset the Servo Drive.2. Specify Switch ON and the Servo ON command (Enable Operation command) in con-trolword (6040h, bits 0 to 3).Power will be supplied to the motor.12.2.5 Detecting Errors in HWBB SignalIf only the /HWBB1 or the /HWBB2 signal is input, an A.Eb1 alarm (Safety Function Signal InputTiming Error) will occur unless the other signal is input within 10 seconds. This makes it possi-ble to detect failures, such as disconnection of an HWBB signal.Utility Function No. Function NameFn002 JogFn003 Origin SearchFn004 Jog ProgramFn00E Autotune Motor Current Detection Signal OffsetFn080 Polarity DetectionFn201 Advanced Autotuning without ReferenceFn206 Easy FFTCAUTION The A.Eb1 alarm (Safety Function Signal Input Timing Error) is not a safety-related element.Keep this in mind when you design the system.