17.1 List of Parameters17.1.2 List of Parameters17-1717 Parameter and Object ListsPn310(2310h)2 Vibration DetectionSelections0000h to0002h – 0000h All Immedi-ately Setup page7-46Pn311(2311h) 2 Vibration Detection Sen-sitivity 50 to 500 1% 100 All Immedi-ately Tuning page7-46Pn312(2312h) 2 Vibration DetectionLevel 0 to 5,000 1 min -1 50 Rotary Immedi-ately Tuning page7-46Pn316(2316h) 2 Maximum Motor Speed 0 to 65,535 1 min -1 10000 Rotary Afterrestart Setup page7-17Pn324(2324h) 2 Moment of Inertia Cal-culation Starting Level 0 to 20,000 1% 300 All Immedi-ately Setup page9-30Pn383(2383h) 2 Jogging Speed 0 to 10,000 1 mm/s 50 Linear Immedi-ately Setup page8-7Pn384(2384h) 2 Vibration DetectionLevel 0 to 5,000 1 mm/s 10 Linear Immedi-ately Tuning page7-46Pn385(2385h) 2 Maximum Motor Speed 1 to 100 100mm/s 50 Linear Afterrestart Setup page7-17Pn401(2401h) 2First Stage First TorqueReference Filter TimeConstant0 to 65,535 0.01 ms 100 All Immedi-ately Tuning page9-80Pn402(2402h) 2 Forward Torque Limit 0 to 800 1%*1 800 Rotary Immedi-ately Setup page7-26Pn403(2403h) 2 Reverse Torque Limit 0 to 800 1%*1 800 Rotary Immedi-ately Setup page7-26Pn404(2404h) 2 Forward External TorqueLimit 0 to 800 1%*1 100 All Immedi-ately Setup page7-27Pn405(2405h) 2 Reverse External TorqueLimit 0 to 800 1%*1 100 All Immedi-ately Setup page7-27Pn406(2406h) 2 Emergency Stop Torque 0 to 800 1%*1 800 All Immedi-ately Setup page6-27Pn407(2407h) 2 Speed Limit duringTorque Control 0 to 10,000 1 min -1 10000 Rotary Immedi-ately Setup page7-12Continued on next page.Continued from previous page.ParameterNo.SizeName SettingRangeSettingUnitDefaultSettingApplicableMotorsWhenEnabledClassi-ficationRefer-encen.XVibration Detection Selection0 Do not detect vibration.1 Output a warning (A.911) if vibration is detected.2 Output an alarm (A.520) if vibration is detected.n.X Reserved parameter (Do not change.)n.X Reserved parameter (Do not change.)n.X Reserved parameter (Do not change.)