15.6 Device Control15-2515 Object Dictionary• Bits 10, 12, and 13: Profile Velocity Mode• Bits 10, 12, and 13: Profile Torque ModeQuick Stop Option Code (605Ah)This object determines what operation will be performed if a Quick Stop is executed. Data Description*1. The motor is always stopped according to option code 0 (servo OFF stop) in Profile Torque Mode or CyclicTorque Mode.*2. The deceleration rate for decelerating to a stop is defined in the following object.• Profile Position, Interpolated Position, Cyclic Position, or Cyclic Velocity Mode: 6084h• Homing Mode: 609Ah*3. Quick stop deceleration (6085h) is the deceleration rate for a quick stop.Shutdown Option Code (605Bh)This object defines the operation that is performed if there is a move from Operation Enablestate to Ready to Switch ON state.Bit State Value Description10 Target reached0 Halt (bit 8 in controlword) = 0: The target speed has not been reached.Halt (bit 8 in controlword) = 1: The axis is decelerating.1 Halt (bit 8 in controlword) = 0: The target speed was reached.Halt (bit 8 in controlword) = 1: The axis is stopped.12 Speed 0 The speed is not 0.1 The speed is 0.13 − 0 Reserved.Bit State Value Description10 Target reached0Halt (bit 8 in controlword) = 0: The target torque has not beenreached.Halt (bit 8 in controlword) = 1: The axis is decelerating.1 Halt (bit 8 in controlword) = 0: The target torque was reached.Halt (bit 8 in controlword) = 1: The axis is stopped.12 − 0 Reserved.13 − 0 Reserved.Index Subin-dex Name DataType Access PDOMapping Value Saving toEEPROM605Ah 0 Quick stop optioncode INT RW No 0 to 4 (default: 2) YesValue Description0 Disables the Servo Drive (moves to the Switch ON Disabled state).1 Decelerates at the deceleration rate for decelerating to a stop and movesto the Switch ON Disabled state.*1, *22 Decelerates at the deceleration rate for a quick stop and moves to theSwitch ON Disabled state.*1, *33 Decelerates at the torque limit and moves to the Switch ON Disabledstate.*1Index Subin-dex Name DataType Access PDOMapping Value Saving toEEPROM605Bh 0 Shutdown option code INT RW No 0 to 1 (default: 0) Yes