1.2 Introduction to EtherCAT1.2.5 Data Types1-51 Basic Information on SERVOPACKs1.2.5 Data TypesThe following table lists the data types and ranges that are used in this manual.1.2.6 Data RangesThe following table lists the data units and notations that are used in this manual.SyncManager – The ESC unit that coordinates data exchange between themaster and slaves.Receive Process Data Object RXPDO The process data received by the ESC.Transmit Process Data Object TXPDO The process data sent by the ESC.Continued from previous page.Term Abbreviation DescriptionCode Data Type RangeSINT Signed 8-bit integer -128 to 127INT Signed 16-bit integer -32,768 to 32,767DINT Signed 32-bit integer -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,627USINT Unsigned 8-bit integer 0 to 255UINT Unsigned 16-bit integer 0 to 65,535UDINT Unsigned 32-bit integer 0 to 4,294,967,295STRING Character string −Notation DescriptionPos. unit The user-defined position reference unit that is set in position user unit (2701h).1 [Pos. unit] = 2701: 01h/2701: 02h [inc]Vel. unit The user-defined speed reference unit that is set in velocity user unit (2702h).1 [Vel. unit] = 2702: 01h/2702: 02h [inc/s]Acc. unit The user-defined acceleration reference unit that is set in acceleration user unit (2703h).1 [Acc. unit] = 2703: 01h/2703: 02h x 10 4 [inc/s 2 ]Trq. unit The user-defined torque reference unit that is set in torque user unit (2704h).1 [Trq. unit] = 2704: 01h/2704: 02h [%]inc This is the encoder pulse unit.For a 24-bit encoder, the resolution is 16,777,216 × Pn210/Pn20E [inc] per rotation.