15.7 Profile Position Mode15-2915 Object Dictionary15.7 Profile Position ModeTarget Position (607Ah)This object contains the target position for the Profile Position Mode or Cyclic SynchronousPosition Mode.In Profile Position Mode, the value of this object is interpreted as either an absolute or relativevalue depending on the Abs/Rel Flag in controlword. In Cyclic Synchronous Position Mode, thevalue is always interpreted as an absolute value.Software Position Limits (607Dh)This object defines the absolute positions of the limits to the target position (position demandvalue). Every target position is checked against these limits.The limit positions are specified in user-defined position reference units, the same as for targetpositions, and are always relative to the machine home position.The limit values are corrected internally for the home offset as given below. The target positionsare compared with the corrected values.• Corrected minimum position limit = Min position limit – Home offset (607Ch)• Corrected maximum position limit = Max position limit – Home offset (607Ch)The software position limits are enabled at the following times:• When homing is completed• When an absolute encoder is connectedThe software limits are disabled if they are set as follows:• Min position limit ≥ Max position limitMax Profile Velocity (607Fh)This object contains the maximum speed during a Profile Mode operation.Index Subin-dex Name DataType Access PDOMapping Value Saving toEEPROM607Ah 0 Target position DINT RW Yes–2,147,483,648 to2,147,483,647(default: 0) [Pos. unit]NoIndex Subin-dex Name DataType Access PDOMapping Value Saving toEEPROM607Dh0 Number of entries USINT RO No 2 No1 Min position limit DINT RW No–536,870,912 to536,870,911(default: 0) [Pos. unit]Yes2 Max position limit DINT RW No–536,870,912 to536,870,911(default: 0) [Pos. unit]YesIndex Subin-dex Name DataType Access PDOMapping Value Saving toEEPROM607Fh 0 Max profile velocity UDINT RW Yes0 to 4,294,967,295(default:2,147,483,647)[Vel. unit]Yes