Page 105FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anualrtty text MeMoryexAMple oF c onnecting rtty coMMunicAtionS device&onnect the 577< communications 78 7erminal 8nit to the rear panel 577<3.7 terminal. %e sure to read the in-structions manual of the device to connect when connecting.3hrases up to characters freTuently used in 577< transmission can Ee memori]ed Ey connecting the supplied ³)+´ 5emote &ontrol .eypad to the rear panel 5(0 jacN. channels can Ee memori]ed and memori]ed content can Eetransmitted Ey operations on the )+.text MeSSAge progrAMMing. 3ress the [MODE@ button to set the operating modeto 577<.. 3ress the FH-2 [MEM@ Ney. $ ElinNing ³REC´ iconwill appear in the display.3. 3ress an FH-2 [1@ a [5@ Ney to select the desired 577<7e[t 0emory 5egister into Zhich you Zish to programthe te[t the ElinNing ³REC´ icon Zill disappear.4. Use the FH-2 [W@ and [X@ keys to set the cursor positionand use the FH-2 [S@ and [T@ Neys to choose the letternumber to be programmed in each slot of the memory.A dvice :You may also use the [CLAR/VFO-B@ knob to pro-gram the message characters.. :hen the message is complete add the ³ ´ characterat the end to signify the termination of the message.. 3ress and hold in the FH-2 [MEM@ key for one sec-ond to e[it once all characters including ³ ´ haYebeen programmed.rttY (raDio teletYpe) o perationon -the -A ir rtty text MeSSAge plAybAcK3ress the FH-2 [1@ a [5@ Ney depending on Zhich 577<7e[t 0emory 5egister message you Zish to transmit.The programmed message will be transmitted on the air.A dvice :³ 577< 287 /(9(/´.466;6E:6Q EC QC QC D W XᲾ D CSPOF$9RTTY TEXTInstall the FSK application in a PC to use the USB connection· Install 9irtual &20 3ort 'riYer to your 3& 'oZnload the driYer and installation manual from the -site httpZZZ.yaesu.com· Set FTDX 3000 577</6% mode 6et 577< 6+I)7 3257 for 86% in 0(18 as for the default 5($5 6et )6. port to '75 or 576 designation depending on the 577< application if the )6. port is set to '75the 0(18 setting is 576. If )6. port is 576 then the menu should Ee set to '75 Zhich is the reYerse ofthe setting. $ port setting in this 0(18 Eecomes the port enaEling FTDX 3000 86% connection to a 3& PreviousNext |